Pastor Taylor Bradbury
Pastor Roger Williams
Jesus offers internal calm cultivated in community.
Pastor Roger Williams
We have been created for a rhythm of work and rest that is being recaptured in Jesus.
Pastor Taylor Bradbury
Good Friday: This was a hybrid service of readings, preaching, and singing layered together. Because the music is not mixed in the recording, it has been edited out.
Pastor Taylor Bradbury
Jesus is the triumphant, life-giving King who offers peace, security, and forgiveness to al who follow him.
Pastor Roger Williams
Joy in Christ by found by rejecting achieved righteousness and embracing received righteousness.
Pastor Taylor Bradbury
The authenticity of our relationship with Christ will be confirmed by our holding onto Christ.
Pastor Taylor Bradbury
The Lord’s Supper is the covenant meal of God’s people in which we look back, look around, and look ahead.
Pastor Roger Williams
Jesus is the Savior we need, but not always the one we want (at first).
Pastor Roger Williams
This is a sermon on baptism and New City’s practice of baptizing professing believers in Christ who have not yet been baptized AND the children of believers. The was on the occasion of 11 baptisms - some by profession of faith and some by covenant inclusion. Since New City is a church incorporating various backgrounds, occasionally it is helpful to articulate our practice.
NOTE: The first 5 minutes is an audio of a video played before the sermon. Today’s special guest speaker is Hubert Nolan, Director of the Hope Center Indianapolis (
The Hope Center’s passion “is imparting hope and healing to every heart, with special emphasis on the healing of women overcoming sex trafficking, sexual exploitation, and addictions.”
Dr. David Schrock, Professor of Systematic Theology at Indianapolis Theological Seminary, joins us this morning.
God the Father has caused us to be born again into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus the King from the dead.
Abiding in Jesus creates life-giving conflict with our world.
Church Planter Rev. Mike McBride preaches at New City today.
Jesus, as he is now, is an exalted Savior who is always more than we think, always with us, and always for us.
In light of our upcoming congregational meeting, we are departing from our Luke sermon series for one week to explore a particular challenge to the church in our time.
Jesus offers us (individuals and churches) robust health, but only if we are wiling to look squarely at the disease and receive the cure he offers.
Dr. Robert Smart, Pastor and Reformation History scholar joins us today to bring encouragement from Ephesians 3:14-21.