Pastor Taylor Bradbury
Pastor Taylor Bradbury
When we perceive the generosity of God, giving becomes a delight that benefits us.
Pastor Taylor Bradbury
A clear understanding of the gospel cultivates a generous posture towards those with whom we differ.
Pastor Taylor Bradbury
The reason we accept Christ is because of the sovereign and gracious work of God. The reason we refuse Christ is because we want to reject Him.
Pastor Taylor Bradbury
In the good news of Jesus Christ, barriers are abolished — barriers between people groups, barriers of blind eyes, and barriers between God and humanity.
Pastor Taylor Bradbury
Persecution, pressures of life, allurements to power, and prosperity are opportunities to either trust or reject Christ.
Pastor Taylor Bradbury
In the midst of failing strength, remembering God’s faithfulness can bolster hope in His reviving power.
Pastor Taylor Bradbury
The children of God increase their joy by remembering the mercy of God and their own sin.
Pastor Taylor Bradbury
When in distress—whether due to our foolishness or enemies— God provides means of coping, hoping, and praying.
Pastor Taylor Bradbury
Pastor Taylor Bradbury
God primarily cares for the world by giving it His church, and He primarily cares for His church by giving it leaders.
Pastor Taylor Bradbury
God empowers his people for life and mission through corporate prayer focused on God and His Holy Word.
Pastor Taylor Bradbury
Jesus is both the Lord and Christ who calls all people to repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins.
Pastor Taylor Bradbury
Good Friday: This was a hybrid service of readings, preaching, and singing layered together. Because the music is not mixed in the recording, it has been edited out.
Pastor Taylor Bradbury
Jesus is the triumphant, life-giving King who offers peace, security, and forgiveness to al who follow him.
Pastor Taylor Bradbury
The risen and ascended Christ gives his redeemed people heavenly power for a global mission.
Pastor Taylor Bradbury
The authenticity of our relationship with Christ will be confirmed by our holding onto Christ.
Pastor Taylor Bradbury
Jesus Christ is the fruitful King who reigns over everything and calls for all peoples to trust in him.
Pastor Taylor Bradbury
The Spirit produces faithfulness in us as we behold the faithfulness of Christ.
Pastor Taylor Bradbury
The Spirit of Jesus works patience in the people of Jesus as we joyfully await the return of Jesus.