Pastor Roger Williams
Hope in future deliverance fuels resilient faith today.
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Pastor Roger Williams
The LORD exposes “earthly” culture so His people may live faithfully in the midst of it.
Pastor Roger Williams
We are called to courageous wisdom against earthly ideologies subverted by the dragon in his war on the woman.
Pastor Roger Williams
We are called to faithful endurance against earthly powers subverted by the dragon in his war on the woman.
Pastor Taylor Bradbury
Although the dragon has been decisively defeated by the work of Jesus, he is still intent on the harm of Jesus’ followers.
Pastor Roger Williams
The Lord nourishes his church in the wilderness as the normal way of life in a world at spiritual war.
Pastor Roger Williams
God redeems His people from all the nations, so they may bear prophetic witness to all the nations
Pastor Roger Williams
God’s activity in our world, even in warning, exposes the folly and destruction of sin and illumines the goodness of life in him.
Pastor Roger Williams
The Lord seals his own so they can stand in this age and in the age to come.
Pastor Roger Williams
Jesus is the Savior we need, but not always the one we want (at first).
Pastor Taylor Bradbury
The Lamb of God is the point of history, the hope of the world, and the song of the redeemed.
Pastor Roger Williams
God energizes his people for faithfulness in a broken world through a vision of his worshipful worth.
Pastor Roger Williams
Revelation ignites our imagination to live with Jesus Christ in a broken world.
Pastor Roger Williams
The LORD brings life from death by his Spirit working through his word.
Pastor Taylor Bradbury
For all the promises of God find their Yes in [Jesus Christ]. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory (2 Corinthians 1:20).