August 28, 2022 - The Sign of the Covenant (Romans 4 and various texts)

Pastor Roger Williams
This is a sermon on baptism and New City’s practice of baptizing professing believers in Christ who have not yet been baptized AND the children of believers. The was on the occasion of 11 baptisms - some by profession of faith and some by covenant inclusion. Since New City is a church incorporating various backgrounds, occasionally it is helpful to articulate our practice.

May 22, 2022 - Answered Prayer (Psalm 116)

NOTE: The first 5 minutes is an audio of a video played before the sermon. Today’s special guest speaker is Hubert Nolan, Director of the Hope Center Indianapolis (

The Hope Center’s passion “is imparting hope and healing to every heart, with special emphasis on the healing of women overcoming sex trafficking, sexual exploitation, and addictions.”