The heart of the Father is generous to his people in their sin. This generosity can look like sad release, full embrace, and genuine invitation.
God graciously invites to repent of our self-righteousness and pride.
The Father subverts the allure of the far country with the allure of grace.
Jesus came to seek and save the lost, and there is great joy and celebration when one is found.
We “learn” Jesus in renouncing all we have to a God who gives our life back.
Resting in Christ is fueled by a humility that keeps us receptive to grace and blesses other people.
Resting in Christ is fueled by a humility that keeps us receptive to grace and blesses other people.
No one enters the Kingdom of God but by faith and repentance in Jesus Christ.
In Jesus, the church becomes a colony of heaven.
In this, Jesus’ people are:
Embracing citizenship
Embrace our citizenship where we are
Embrace our citizenship where we are with redemptive activity
How do we live in a republic when we have a king?
Jesus brings rest as a primary sign of his kingdom.
Jesus offers freedom through ongoing repentance. This brings freedom from the desperate condition of humanity, freedom from “managing” life, and freedom from hindrances to bearing fruit.
We must not delay in embracing the weightiness of Jesus.
We seek the kingdom of God through readiness shaped by grace, wisdom, and gravity.
Baptism is a gift of God that represents something real, outside us, and maintained by God himself.
Present confidence of future grace is rooted in a clear vision of past mercy.
Present confidence of future grace is rooted in a clear vision of past mercy.
Deep knowledge of our limitation allows for honesty, hope, and freedom.